Stand tall-A Workshop For Better Posture As we get older, habits and gravity can take a painful toll on our posture. As our posture declines, so does our overall health and comfort. In this exploration of posture you will learn where you might be out of alignment how to get it back and how to keep it.
Restorative Yoga Workshop Restorative yoga involves deep opening postures supported by blankets and pillows and conscious relaxation. Restorative yoga releases tension, restores energy, aligns the body and quiets the mind. This practice is wonderful for every level and for anyone with a busy life. This can also be a perfect compliment to an active workout regiment, often called the exercise of ‘undoing’.
Chakra Yoga Workshop The Chakras are wheels of energy in the body. When these wheels are moving smoothly and at the same speed, we are balanced and healthy. Understanding these wheels and how they affect our lives can help us to keep them in balance. Come and learn what the chakras are, where they are, and where you might have an imbalance. Learn how to use specific yoga postures to help find and maintain balance in the chakras and in our lives.
Introduction to Meditation Simply put, meditation is the practice of quieting the mind. In this workshop we will explore and experience different techniques for meditation. We will try and remove the mystery and fear that surrounds this practice so that we can enjoy all the benefits. Meditation has numerous wonderful effects on the physical body, the mind and the emotions. Join us and see what meditation can do for you!
Turn Your Practice upside-down Inversions can be both frightening and exhilarating. Most of us that practice yoga openly admit that inversions are challenging, and that ours could use some work. And most of us have that desire to work on and maybe even master them. This workshop will give you the chance to play with our fears and limitations about being up-side-down. We will work on a variety of poses from the easy to the more intense in order to meet these fears and limitations head-on and release them. We will work on alignment, strength, and balance in order to approach inverting will more confidence. This workshop is for all levels.
6 Week Introduction To Yoga Series Start with this 6 week series and be ready to enter any yoga class with confidence. Learn all the terminology, basic poses and practices you will need to ease those 'beginner nerves'. We discuss all the hot topics like chanting, religion and class etiquette. We also start to get in touch with our physical selves, stretching and strengthening to create balance and stability.