Begin standing in mountain pose.Step your feet as wide apart as your leg is long; a distance that is both comfortable and stable.Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in 45 degrees.Lift arms out to the sides parallel to the floor and engage the shoulders in and down.Engage the strength of the legs equally into the floor.
Slide your left hip back and glide your right fingertips out past the right toes.When the body has moved as far as it will go, rotate the arms bringing the right hand to your shin, a block, your ankle or the floor.
Stack the shoulders and don’t allow the right ribs and side body to collapse; stay long and lifted through the underside of the pose.The placement of your gaze should remain comfortable for your neck; choosing to look up at the left thumb, straight ahead or even down at the right foot.
Hips and shoulders should stay in the same plane, as if your body were being held between two panes of glass.Try holding the pose with feet, hips, arms, shoulders and head against a wall to gain support in alignment.Soften your knees to avoid hyper-extension.
Take several long deep breaths to enjoy the sensations of your upper and lower body getting longer and stronger in trikonasana.To release, engage the core muscles and lift through the left hand returning to standing and then to mountain pose for a few breaths before enjoying the pose on the other side.