It seems that more and more people are exploring alternative methods toward better health. Personally I have tried accupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, chiropractics and of course yoga, meditation and pranayama. I seems that some things work for me and other things don't.
Please share some of your experiences with alternative self-care. Why you think somethings work for you and other things don't? What are your favorites?
2/17/2010 05:47:57 am
2/17/2010 05:49:53 am
Jen - I just took the time to look around your website and I say, "Good for you!" I'll be back.
Rolf Lange
7/8/2010 05:43:44 am
I have tried numerous alternative medicine and health practices to alleviate pain from lower back and hip injuries. Acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, yoga, energy balancing, shamanic practices and more traditional medicing including steroid injections and pain/inflamation meds. Vitamins such as D3 and B12 have helped to improve my mental outlook and managed depleted adrenal function. Frankly, the traditional medicine helps me to manage day-to-day pain and function at the physical level that I feel I need to. Yoga, however, has been a great benefit and has helped me to begin to accept and work with my physical limitations, which in-turn has brought new awareness to my body and calmness to overabundant mental activity. "Yoga chitta vritti, narodha", right?. It has helped to change my outlook on life in general and even contributes moments of joy and optimism and I witness a certain amount of growth in my yoga practice. I have become a IYF-certified yoga teacher and practice Purna Yoga Integral, which borrows useful and relevant techniques from all the major yoga methods. I especially like the philosophy of staying in poses long enough to feel the effects on physical, mental, and spiritual levels rather than being overly focused on techniques of alignment that many other yoga methods and styles promote. Re-reading what I've just written; I guess I have to conclude that yoga has become a passion.
11/28/2010 02:53:24 pm
New week start, the skyhawks are cool, we need some useful idea , this blog is so useful, nice.
12/19/2010 09:57:13 am
Spend some time alone. It gives peace, solitude, and silence
12/23/2010 05:16:54 pm
Fashion Conscious: Only 5% still want their man to be a hip fashion conscious "metrosexual" male
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